Saturday, February 20, 2010

V8 Supercars '10R1

Well, I'm a lover of V8 supercars and I am almost over it before it starts in 2010.

Race 1

Top Ten V8 Supercar Race 1 Results

1. Jamie Whincup, 150pts
2. Craig Lowndes, 138pts
3. Mark Winterbottom, 129pts
4. James Courtney, 120pts
5. Lee Holdsworth, 111pts
6. Shane Van Gisbergen, 102pts
7. Paul Dumbrell, 96pts
8. Jonathon Webb, 90pts
9. Alex Davison, 84pts
10.Rick Kelly, 78pts

1st... They run the first two rounds of the Aussie series in Abu Dhabi and Bahrain because Chevy also runs a V8 series there with the Aussie holden's exported there.

So with teams outlaying enormous expense to get there, they are taken to a superb venue that isn't so great as it seams.

One team was excluded from the race because their on board in car air jacks penetrated an expansion crack in the concrete on pit lane. Then stupid stewards refused to consider their track could cause such incident and handed a penalty to the leading team car which suffered substantial damage as a result.

That kills interest and faith in fairness of competition.

The cars are close in times (less than 1 second covered the top 10), and that brings close racing.
things happen, rubbing is racing and all that...

Typical car setup
5.0-litre V8  Estimated 635 + bhp limited to maximum 7,500 RPM
294+kph (182+mph), 0-100kph: 3.8 seconds

If you feel like following... hit up some of the teams such as Kelly racing have great galleries.

These links are basically for my own clicky clicky.

If you want to watch the events outside australia. you need to cough up $70US to see them.
V8 Supercars runs this series as a business! and sometimes, that just sucks.
If you want to see some pics... good luck.
After clicking around I discovered that the V8 series uses a couple of photographers and the images are divied up to all concerned. Same angles. Same shots, same boredom.
Some teams lock everything down and others are open to sharing.

I won't post anymore on V8 this year. Just see for yourselves.

Do some research.

Get started here.
Holden Fans.

Ford Fans
FPR. ( Prodrive )

Craig Lowndes
Jamie Whincup Jack Daniels
Rick Kelly
Todd Kelly Rock & Supermax
Jason Bargwanna
Tony Ricciardello Jim Beam
Steven Johnson
James Courtney
Jason Bright
Brad Jones?
Alex Davison
Shane Van Gisbergen

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